Cap. 633 Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance was passed by the Legislative Council on 15 November 2018 and enacted on 2 July 2019. The full text of the Ordinance is available for viewing on the Hong Kong Government e-legislation website.

According to Professor Sophia Chan, Secretary for Food and Health,

The new Ordinance will further protect patient safety and consumer rights through the introduction of a new regulatory regime for private healthcare facilities (PHFs). It will also facilitate the sustainable development of the healthcare system.

Four types of PHFs will be subject to regulation, namely hospitals, day procedure centres, clinics and health services establishments. We will commence the regulatory regime in phases based on the types of PHFs and their risk levels. Sufficient time would be allowed for existing operators to get prepared for the new regulatory regime.

HKSARG, “Government welcomes passage of Private Healthcare Facilities Bill”, 15 November 2018,